W tej kategorii znajdziecie Państwo płozy do łyżwiarstwa figurowego uznanych światowych marek takich jak Jackson Ultima Skates, MK czy John Wilson. Płozy łyżwiarskie pozwalają stworzyć optymalny zestaw zarówno dla profesjonalnych zawodników jak i osób trenujących amatorsko. W ofercie posiadamy płozy dla każdego stopnia zaawansowania – od początkujących po zaawansowanych. Nasi sprzedawcy postarają się płozy optymalnie pasujące do Państwa umiejętności.
Our all purpose, high quality chrome blade, suitable for all beginner skaters.
Manufactured to exacting specifications, this model shares many of the features previously available only on more expensive models. Designed to accomodate all basic skills required of the beginner Freestyle or Dancer.
Our newest introductory blade with a cross-cut pick. This blade provides a more secure pick position on toe jumps and footwork. Designed to accommodate all basic skills required of the beginner Freestyle or Dancer.
Unique and lightweight design with 7' rocker. The Legacy 7 blade was developed in response to the demand by top coaches for an intermediate blade with 7' rocker and cross cut picks. Suitable for all double jumps and flying spins.
The Legacy blade was developed in response to the demand by top coaches for an intermediate blade with cross cut picks. Suitable for all double jumps and flying spins.
A skater moving up in skill will appreciate the responsiveness of the 7 ft rocker profile and, due to its coarse cross-cut tooth configuration, this option is highly recommended by international coaches for its reliability when learning new components.
The MK Professional is widely acclaimed for its balance, performance and style.
The Coronation Dance is John Wilson’s premier dance and synchronized skating option.
New unique and lightweight design ideal for Synchro and Dance skaters. Pick format reduces scratch, yet can still accommodate jumps and spins. Short heel assists during close maneuvers.
The MK Professional is widely acclaimed for its balance, performance and style.
A skater moving up in skill will appreciate the responsiveness of the 7 ft rocker profile and, due to its coarse cross-cut tooth configuration, this option is highly recommended by international coaches for its reliability when learning new components.
Designed for those skating at the highest level of competition. Apex Supreme's design enables exacting techniques used in all advanced jumps.
Our Apex Elite blade incorporates all of the technical features of our Freestyle model, while offering the competitive profile and pick design of more traditional blades.
Our Apex Dance blade is designed to provide advanced competitive ice dancers with improved maneuverability and control.
Jeden z najwyższych modeli płozy Ultima. Płozy wykonane w technologii APEX - pokryte tytanem. Zaprojektowane specjalnie do jazdy synchronicznej.
The Legacy pick pattern is ideal for intermediate level skaters. (Color chassis are also available in our Matrix Advanced Level blades.)
The Pattern 99 blade is no stranger to the podium. It is one of the most popular profiles in the world as it consistently delivers maximum performance to high-end freestyle skaters.
When it comes to dance blades, look no further than the podiums to make an educated decision.
Perhaps the most widely recommended blade by Russian coaches, this blade delivers for freestyle and pairs skaters seeking an optimal spinning experience.
Matrix Supreme is up to 33% lighter than traditional blades! Available in Silver, Blue, Lilac, Pink, Gold and Black!
Matrix Elite is up to 33% lighter than traditional blades! Available in Silver, Blue, Lilac, Pink, Gold and Black!
The Matrix Nova was developed in consultation with leading skaters and skate technicians as a lightweight alternative to skaters using the MK Gold Star blade. The Nova blade features a 7 foot rocker, tapered runner design with a cross cut pick design.
Płozy Matrix 2 są nawet do 33% lżejsze od tradycyjnych ostrzy. Profil płozy jest identyczny z modelem Freestyle.
It is one of the most popular profiles in the world as it consistently delivers maximum performance to high-end freestyle skaters.
Jest to płoza podobna do modelu Gold Seal, jednak o 35% lżejsza od tradycyjnej płozy stalowej. Wybierana przez najlepszych zawodników na świecie.